- ACA Is... Pamphlet in pdf format.
- ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Traveler Pamphlet in pdf format.
- 25 Questions: Am I an Adult Child? Pamphlet in pdf format.
- Guidelines For New Meetings in pdf format.
- Sample Meeting Format in pdf format.
- The Laundry List in pdf format.
- The Other Laundry List in pdf format.
- The Flip Side of the Laundry List in pdf format.
- The Flip Side of the Other Laundry List in pdf format.
- The Problem in pdf format
- The Solution in pdf format.
- The Promises in pdf format.
- The Twelve Steps in pdf format
- The Twelve Traditions in pdf format.
- ACA And Its Beginnings Pamphlet pdf format.
- Hospitals & Institutions Guidelines in pdf format.
- ACA Tool Bag in pdf format.
- The Twelve Concepts in pdf format.
A link to The Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization Official Bookstore. LINK