In accordance with ACA’s 12 steps and 12 traditions, RI ACA Intergroup offers the opportunity for its members to connect,
communicate, and support each other on a statewide scale. Meeting regularly keeps the momentum required to carry the ACA message of recovery. Specifically, the RI ACA Intergroup provides the option for members to unite and participate in the following:
RI intergroup seeks to carry out its mission with the involvement of delegates from every ACA group throughout the state. Each group's financial contributions will fund intergroup supplies, events and services, thereby benefiting RI ACA as a whole.
communicate, and support each other on a statewide scale. Meeting regularly keeps the momentum required to carry the ACA message of recovery. Specifically, the RI ACA Intergroup provides the option for members to unite and participate in the following:
- Intergroup Meetings and Events
- Member and Public Services
- Public Outreach
- Website
- Literature
- Annual Business Conference
- Intergroup Correspondence
- Developing new groups
RI intergroup seeks to carry out its mission with the involvement of delegates from every ACA group throughout the state. Each group's financial contributions will fund intergroup supplies, events and services, thereby benefiting RI ACA as a whole.
What Does the Intergroup Do for Member Groups?
By maintaining direct communications with the local meetings, North East US Region and the ACA World Service Orgranization (WSO), Intergroup facilitates open communication and sharing of ideas.
Currently, Intergroup does this through monthly business meetings and periodic emails. Member groups are asked to send an elected representative to monthly meetings so that each group has a voice in motions and decision-making . All ACA members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
RI Area ACA Intergroup Business Meetings are usually held the first Saturday of the Month, from 9:30am to 10:30am
The Next Full Business Meetings will be.
Saturday October 5, 2024, 9:30am this meeting will be 1 hour long
The RI Area ACA Intergroup Meeting on Zoom meeting only.
Here is the link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 8346 5733
Please Email [email protected] for the password to join
Currently, Intergroup does this through monthly business meetings and periodic emails. Member groups are asked to send an elected representative to monthly meetings so that each group has a voice in motions and decision-making . All ACA members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
RI Area ACA Intergroup Business Meetings are usually held the first Saturday of the Month, from 9:30am to 10:30am
The Next Full Business Meetings will be.
Saturday October 5, 2024, 9:30am this meeting will be 1 hour long
The RI Area ACA Intergroup Meeting on Zoom meeting only.
Here is the link to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 8346 5733
Please Email [email protected] for the password to join
Other things an Intergroup does:
Intergroup services include hosting and sponsoring workshops, outreach efforts, providing start-up stipends to new meetings, fielding general inquiries, creating local ACA literature, selling discounted WSO literature, providing speakers, developing and maintaining a website, meeting list and local phone line and many other efforts.
Intergroup services include hosting and sponsoring workshops, outreach efforts, providing start-up stipends to new meetings, fielding general inquiries, creating local ACA literature, selling discounted WSO literature, providing speakers, developing and maintaining a website, meeting list and local phone line and many other efforts.
Statement on COVID-19
As RI moves into phase III of the reopening some groups are meeting in person and some groups are still meeting via RI Area ACA Zoom Platform. Please contact the meeting representative to find out how they are meeting right now and to get the link to the Zoom meetings. We will continue to maintain the Zoom channel and offer people a safe place for meetings if they are still not comfortable meeting in person. RI Area ACA Intergroup offers Zoom Channel private meeting space 7 days a week at 7am(8am Saturdays and Sundays), Noon and 7pm. Sign up for our email list below or contact the webmaster to receive meeting liks. All you need is 2 people and the literature to have a meeting!
Sample Meeting Format * Laundry List * The Problem * The Solution * Step and Tradition of the Month * The Promises * Strengthening Our Recovery Daily Affirmation
As RI moves into phase III of the reopening some groups are meeting in person and some groups are still meeting via RI Area ACA Zoom Platform. Please contact the meeting representative to find out how they are meeting right now and to get the link to the Zoom meetings. We will continue to maintain the Zoom channel and offer people a safe place for meetings if they are still not comfortable meeting in person. RI Area ACA Intergroup offers Zoom Channel private meeting space 7 days a week at 7am(8am Saturdays and Sundays), Noon and 7pm. Sign up for our email list below or contact the webmaster to receive meeting liks. All you need is 2 people and the literature to have a meeting!
Sample Meeting Format * Laundry List * The Problem * The Solution * Step and Tradition of the Month * The Promises * Strengthening Our Recovery Daily Affirmation
How can I support the RI Area ACA Intergroup?
- Spread the word!
- Become an Intergroup representative! Voice your groups concerns and opinions, and vote on important ground level initiatives. Join us on the first Saturday of every month at 9:15 am via Zoom.
- Send monetary donations, per the 7th tradition (BRB p. 599) via credit or debit card here:
Payments can be increased in $5 increments.